Aesthetic Fillings (inlay /onlay)



  • Inlay and onlay aesthetic teeth fillings are divided into two categories based on the materials used in their content:

    Porcelain inlay onlay fillings:

    Similar to aesthetic porcelain crowns, this type of fillings is also used to anatomically complete missing tooth parts with porcelain.

     Composite inlay onlay fillings:

    Since the composite fillings prepared in clinics for back teeth have greatly developed, inlay-onlay composite fillings are not superior to them anymore and therefore not much preferred.

Fields of apllication

  •  Molar teeth with extreme material loss and/or one or two fractures

     Molar teeth with problems of interface decay on both sides

     Molar teeth with excessively thin tissues and more fragility due to root canal therapy

     Back teeth in general

Aesthetic teeth treatment

  • Session One:

     The tooth is cleared off all decayed areas including dry rot areas.

     Correction of lines that may hinder reliable measurement of “concave/undercut” areas and preparation of the porcelain bit by using suitable filling materials.

     Precise measurement of the tooth to be crowned with porcelain and delivery of the data to the laboratory

     Temporary loading of the roots with a suitable filling material


    Session Two:

    Rehearsal of the porcelain onlay-inlay bit that anatomically copies the missing tissue of the tooth

    The porcelain filling parts must be in complete compliance with the tooth. If no problems are observed, the porcelain bit is pasted to and integrated with the tooth by using an adhesive system during the same session.

    The treatment is complete.


  • The treatment is complete in two sessions and the second session takes place 1-3 days after the first one.
    If there is a problem with the measurements or preparation of the tooth and if it has become necessary to take the measurements again, a third session may be required.



Inlay and onlay fillings can also be prepared in computer environment according to the 3D image of the mouth taken with special oral scanners.

For this practise, a clinic needs to have a scanning system, also called cad-cam. With certain cad-cam systems, it is also possible to finish inlay onlay fillings in one single day.
Fields marked with an * are required


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