What are done during the implant examination (the first examination)?

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The first examination is done for diagnosis, treatment planning and preparation for the treatment.  It is actually the first and the most important stage of the implant application. During your first examination by the specialist dentist and his/her staff:

–          Your overall health data are obtained, your medical anamnesis is taken and your general health is examined to see whether there is any particular question in relation to the implant.

–          Necessary diagnostic and therapeutic x-rays (panoramic x-rays, periapical x-rays, and dental tomography when needed) are taken.

-“Bad” life-choices in relation to the implant therapy, such as smoking habit, teeth clenching at night / grinding habit (bruxism), teeth brushing practice, are determined.

–          With the help of all these data and x-rays, your detailed oral examination is done by the specialist and the thickness, length and quality of the bone in the missing tooth area are determined.

–          The soft tissue and the gums are checked in the implant area,

–          Your overall oral examination and oral hygiene are checked, (if the oral hygiene is in a bad state, the required gum treatment, tartar cleansing must be done and the oral hygiene should come to an appropriate state)

-After the thorough examination of the implant area, the specialist plans the implant treatment, (that is, the length and the dimension of the implant are determined and it is decided if there is any need for a secondary operation concerning the soft tissue and hard tissue before the implant treatment.)

–          The specialist informs the patient thoroughly about the treatment duration, its price, complications and risks. In the light of these information, if the person decides to have an implant, necessary preparations are carried out and an appropriate date is set for the secondary stage, i.e. the implant operation.

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